Alpha Evolve 1.5 Alternate Art And Numbers

1.5 is a pain to figure out and you should check my work out in the checklist if you are concerned with which cards came from where. 1.5 had many of the same cards from series 1, some from series 2, and 2 cards with the same artwork used in series 3 (but with different card numbers). 1.5 also had alternate artwork cards with the same numbers as cards from series 1 and 2. On top of that, some cards that were completely different from other series used “sp” in their card numbers, just like alpha evolve promos. I’m not going to show you scans of the reprints from series 1 and 2 so below are scans of the alternate art cards found in 1.5 and the two cards with artwork from series 3, but with different numbers. SP cards can be found in the Promos and 1.5 section of this website. Whew, that was a lot. If you didn’t understand all that, don’t worry about it and just enjoy the scans below.