Taco Bell Metal Cards

48 embossed metal trading cards were released by Taco Bell in the year 2000. From July through September, each kid’s meal bag came with a Digi-Battle card (see Digi-Battle Taco Bell Promo section) and a plastic mold in the shape of a digivice. Inside the mold were three metal cards. Out of the 48 metal cards, there were two chase cards. The Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon cards had gold trim on the front and a little fold out with the Digimon’s information on the back of the card, held in place by a tab. The exact odds of pulling a chase card remain unknown (at least to me). However, it appeared quite difficult to pull one as several people have regaled me with stories of buying 50 bags and not getting a single chase card.

Here is the link to some industry news from June 29, 2000 concerning the release of these metal trading cards. Click here

Below is the gallery of all 48 metal cards.